This property, along with the extremely powerful effect of increasing muscle mass, increasing muscle tone and increasing strength qualities, makes trenbolone a very good choice for athletes who are preparing for competitions and undergoing intensive training.
However, the drug suppresses the production of its own testosterone four times more strongly, which can lead to unpleasant side effects such as a decrease in libido, atrophy of the testicles, or weakening of an erection. As a testosterone derivative, it shares a number of similarities with nandrolone in terms of progestogenic activity.
Yes, trenbolone can bind to progesterone receptors, which can sometimes lead to a decrease in libido or gynecomastia, although these properties are almost not expressed in the product.
It is noteworthy that during weight gain, trenbolone is completely autonomous and does not need to be supplemented with other drugs. But during the "drying" course, it would be good to use it in combination with oxandralone or stanozolol. With such a decision, it is highly desirable to use only half of the standard dosage of both drugs. The combined course should be continued for eight weeks. At the same time, there is absolutely no need to use anti-estrogens.