Application and dosage
Injections should be taken every third day. The single dosage of the drug is 75-150 mg. The course duration is 1.5-2 months. Since tren quickly suppresses the activity of the pituitary gland, Gonadotropin should be added to a course lasting more than six weeks. In addition, athletes will have to take Cabergoline. This medication helps to avoid progestogenic side effects.
Combination with other steroids
Trenbolone Acetate can be combined with other AAS to obtain the best possible results. All anabolic steroids are suitable for combined courses, except for Nandrolones. Most often, athletes combine the use of short training with Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Turinabol, Oxandrolone, Primobolan, Testosterone Propionate, Winstrol, Drostanolone, and Stanozolol.